Wide Horizon, Inc. and The Effulgence Foundation presents:
“The Helen Wood Bauman Story”
Saturday, August 14 at 7:30 PM Mountain Time
THE HELEN WOOD BAUMAN STORY – Christian Science was the answer to Helen Wood Bauman’s deep desire to help humanity, and her understanding of the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy bore fruit in an extensive healing practice. She went on to become a teacher of Christian Science, and her love for communicating its healing rules and laws, coupled with her love for writing, enabled her to have over 1000 articles published in the Christian Science periodicals. Our film gives viewers an inside look at an individual who would become the longest serving editor of the Christian Science periodicals.
I only caught 15 minutes due to a family urgency, but am glad even for the short time. Thank you for this excellent presentation.
Excellent, fabulous, thank you!
Thank you for the opporltunity to see this production of someone who walked the talk.
Thank you so much for sponsoring this beautiful, and informative program on Helen Wood Bauman. I’ve been enjoying reading her articles, too.
Thank you so much! What an interesting story!
Thank you for sponsoring this wonderful and informative documentary on Helen Wood Bauman.
Thank you lovely presentation. Very inspiring. So grateful. Karen meyers
Wonderful film — very interesting and informative. Also loved the music! All in all, very well done! Please do more!!
Thank you.
Thank you so much for this presentation. It was indeed very inspiring.
Thank you to Wide Horizons for sharing this wonderful story on Helen Wood Bauman! One suggestion for The Effulgence Foundation, the makers of this film: Please lower the volume of music! It was lovely music but it definitely competed with, and at times overshadowed, the spoken words so that the message was hard to follow.
Thank you for this marvelous film on Helen Wood Bauman. I have vivid memories of seeing her when I was an usher in The Mother Church in the 1970’s. What a remarkable lady. Thank you time and again. And I told lots of people about Wide Horizons showing the film! Thank you time and again and I look forward to seeing more of your films.
Excellent! Thank you sooo much for this inspiring insight into Helen Wood Bauman’s story. I was and still am “one of the millions” influenced by the spiritually clarity she proved and shared, leading me to my own growing understanding of “Absolute Science and the Problems of Humanity.” Also, thank you, Georgia Eastman, for emailing me the link. This film has certainly been a blessing.